Phillip Herrington

Photo of Phillip Herrington

Biographical Info


Pastor Phillip Herrington is a long-time member of The Revolution Church, and currently serves as the Co-Senior Pastor along side his younger brother Ryan Herrington. Phillip graduated from The Central Florida Aerospace Academy in Lakeland FL, Polk State College Aerospace, and Thomas Edison State University where he became a Professional Pilot with an undergrad in Aerospace Administration and Business. Phillip currently works as a Lead Check Airman for Delta Air Lines while also enrolled at Wesley Bible Seminary for a Masters in divinity. Phillip came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior in 2002. His deeply rooted faith and passion for sharing the love of Jesus is undeniable and will be evident from the moment you meet him.

In 2017, Phillip married his beautiful wife Lindsey. Lindsey shares in her husbands passion for spreading the good news of the gospel and showing the love of Jesus Christ through consistent dedication to the mission of The Revolution Church. In 2022, they were blessed with their first born child Parker James Herrington. This family of three when not flying the friendly skies or pastoring the church can be found boating the inter coastal as their favorite hobby is soaking in the sun and salt water at any one of a few sandbars in Florida.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Categories: Revolution Church
Updated 8 months ago.